Note: The performance issue discussed here has been fixed in Ruby 3.2!

One of my favorite little fixes I’ve done at Stripe unrelated to my day-to-day work was fixing an accidental O(n²) behavior of Subprocess#communicate that made communicating 1GB worth of data ~1000 times slower than it needed to be. This ended up reducing runtime of several batch jobs from days to minutes/hours, among other things.

The fix itself was this fun one-liner:

diff of the change

Which produced this speed-up when piping various amounts of data (note the y-axis is logarithmic):


Finding the Problem

It started with me noticing several batch jobs that generated small files from small inputs but ran for days, with implied bandwidth of literal bytes per second.

Identifying the offending line was just a matter of profiling the batch job code, which pointed out this line in Subprocess#communicate as being the culprit:

# Simplified Subprocess#communicate
def communicate(input=nil, timeout_s=nil)
    # While we have data to communicate...
    while !input.empty?
        # write it to stdin...
        written = @stdin.write_nonblock(input)
        # and strip the amount written.
>       input[0...written] = '' # Slow!!!

Which led me to this reproducer, which runs very slowly. (~1 hour for 1e9 bytes!)

# Strip `s` in 65535 byte chunks until it's empty
s = 'a' * 1e8 # 100MB
while s && s.length > 0
      s[0...65535] = ''

Running ltrace summary on it shows a large number of memcpys, but is that too many or expected?

root@X:~# ltrace -c ruby slow.rb
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls      function
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------------------
 75.94   58.910576        1435     41029 memcpy
  8.18    6.346906          67     94195 malloc_usable_size
  4.37    3.393178          70     48166 malloc
  3.38    2.624438          66     39496 memcmp
  1.49    1.153439          67     17214 calloc

Summing the last argument of all these memcpys with awk shows it’s moving 7.6e10 bytes (76GB) around, a whole lot more than the 1e8 bytes we create in the script. On the other hand 7.6e10 (1e8/65535 * 1e8/2) is exactly what I would expect to see if ruby was creating a new string every time we shorten s.

How about the faster version then?

# Strip `s` in 65535 byte chunks until it's empty
s = 'a' * 1e8 # 100MB
while s && s.length > 0
    s = s[65535..]

We do indeed see far fewer memcpys and they total to the expected 1e8 bytes.

root@X:~# ltrace -c ruby fast.rb
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls      function
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------------------
 30.08    6.010816          65     91179 malloc_usable_size
 15.46    3.089680          66     46230 malloc
 13.48    2.693967          68     39506 memcpy
 13.27    2.652020          67     39501 memcmp
  5.69    1.137131          66     17214 calloc

Why is it Faster?

I believe input = input[x..input.length] triggers Shared String Optimization that makes Ruby keep the original string buffer and only update/create new RString pointing into it.

Here’s a detailed ltrace of the slow version:

> rb_str_aset_m(2, 0x7f8f7eeff060, 0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0x5583934d8dd0 <unfinished ...>
    str_strlen(0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0, 0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0x5583934d8dd0)
    rb_range_beg_len(0x7f8f7b6d5210, 0x7ffc9f3a6ec8, 0x7ffc9f3a6ed0, 0xe4241 <unfinished ...>
      rb_obj_is_kind_of(0x7f8f7b6d5210, 0x7f8f7ebd26c0, 0x7ffc9f3a6ed0, 0xe4241)
    rb_str_update(0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0, 0xffff, 0x7f8f7b6d4900 <unfinished ...>
    rb_string_value(0x7ffc9f3a6e58, 0, 0xffff, 0x7f8f7b6d4900)
    rb_enc_check(0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0x7f8f7b6d4900, 5, 0x7f8f7b6d4900 <unfinished ...>
      rb_enc_get_index(0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0x7f8f7b6d4900, 5, 0x7f8f7b6d4900)
      rb_enc_get_index(0x7f8f7b6d4900, 0x7f8f7b6d4900, 5, 0x7f8f7b6d4900)
    str_strlen(0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0x558394ea4ec0, 0, 1)
    str_modify_keep_cr(0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0x558394ea4ec0, 0, 1 <unfinished ...>
    rb_enc_get(0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0x558394ea4ec0, 5, 1 <unfinished ...>
      rb_enc_get_index(0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0x558394ea4ec0, 5, 1)
    str_make_independent_expand(0x7f8f7b6d49f0, 0xe4241, 0, 1 <unfinished ...>
    ruby_xmalloc2(0xe4242, 1, 0xe4242, 1 <unfinished ...>
      objspace_xmalloc0(0x558394e9d800, 0xe4242, 0, 1 <unfinished ...>
        malloc_usable_size(0x7f8f7b4c6010, 0xe4242, 0xe5002, 0x7f8f7b4c6010)
>   memcpy(0x7f8f7b4c6010, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 934465)

You can clearly see the memcpy that ultimately comes from rb_str_aset_m which is what String#[]= is defined as, which in turn comes from this disassembly:

irb(main):001" code =<<END
irb(main):002" s = "foo"
irb(main):003" s[0...2] = ''
irb(main):004> END
=> "s = \"foo\"\ns[0...2] = ''\n"

irb(main):005> puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence::compile(code).disasm

== disasm: #<ISeq:<compiled>@<compiled>:1 (1,0)-(2,13)>
local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
[ 1] s@0
0000 putstring      "foo"
0002 setlocal_WC_0  s@0 # s = "foo"
0004 putnil
0005 getlocal_WC_0  s@0
0007 putobject      0...2
0009 putstring      ""
0011 setn           3
0013 opt_aset       <calldata!mid:[]=, argc:2, ARGS_SIMPLE>[CcCr]
0015 pop            # ^ call String#[]= on s with two args: (0..2, "")
0016 leave

The fast version on the other hand uses String#[] aka rb_str_aref_m:

irb(main):006" code =<<END
irb(main):007" s = "foo"
irb(main):008" s = s[2..]
irb(main):009> END
=> "s = \"foo\"\ns = s[2..]\n"

irb(main):010> puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence::compile(code).disasm

== disasm: #<ISeq:<compiled>@<compiled>:1 (1,0)-(2,10)>
local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
[ 1] s@0
0000 putstring      "foo"
0002 setlocal_WC_0  s@0
0004 getlocal_WC_0  s@0
0006 putobject      2..
0008 opt_aref       <calldata!mid:[], argc:1, ARGS_SIMPLE>[CcCr]
0010 dup            # ^ call String#[] on s with one arg: 0..2
0011 setlocal_WC_0  s@0
0013 leave

And the associated ltrace:

> rb_str_aref_m(1, 0x7f78c0cff060, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 0x555ed63d7320 <unfinished ...>
    str_strlen(0x7f78bd4cc948, 0, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 0x555ed63d7320)
    rb_range_beg_len(0x7f78bd4cc8f8, 0x7ffff83c3248, 0x7ffff83c3250, 0xe4241 <unfinished ...>
      rb_obj_is_kind_of(0x7f78bd4cc8f8, 0x7f78c09c66a8, 0x7ffff83c3250, 0xe4241)
    str_substr(0x7f78bd4cc948, 0xffff, 0xd4242, 1 <unfinished ...>
    rb_str_subpos(0x7f78bd4cc948, 0xffff, 0x7ffff83c31d0, 1 <unfinished ...>
      get_encoding(0x7f78bd4cc948, 0xffff, 0, 1 <unfinished ...>
        get_actual_encoding(1, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 1, 1 <unfinished ...>
          rb_enc_from_index(1, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 1, 1)
    rb_enc_get(0x7f78bd4cc948, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 0xffff, 1 <unfinished ...>
      rb_enc_get_index(0x7f78bd4cc948, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 0xffff, 1)
    rb_str_dup_frozen(0x7f78bd4cc948, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 1 <unfinished ...>
    rb_obj_class(0x7f78bd4cc948, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 5, 1)
    str_new_frozen_buffer(0x7f78c09b2428, 0x7f78bd4cc948, 1, 1 <unfinished ...>
    rb_wb_protected_newobj_of(0x7f78c09b2428, 5, 40, 0xffff)
>   str_replace_shared_without_enc.isra.0(0x7f78bd4cc8d0, 0x7f78bd4cc970, 0x7f78bd4cc8d0, 0x555ed6b460e0 <unfinished ...>

No memcpy in sight! I believe str_replace_shared_without_enc is where the optimization happens, but frankly I find Ruby’s string.c quite confusing and not particularly well documented, so who knows!

Final Thoughts

While the change above works and I find the one-liner nature of it very fun, it’s probably not the best way of fixing this, since it relies on an optimization that could stop working. One should probably implement the pointer moving on their own.

If you understand string.c better I’d be very curious to know why the optimization triggers in one case but not the other. Is it a bug or a feature? Let me know!


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